Saturday, June 22 I will be giving workshops at “Lark Music Presents Anne Sullivan’s Harp Mastery.” I am very excited about this first-time ever event. I will be able to share some of the valuable things I learned from my teachers and from my own years of teaching privately and at the Curtis Institute of Music. And I am especially looking forward to meeting many of you and putting your faces to your names!
So why do I think you need to attend Harp Mastery Day? I have three reasons that I hope you will find compelling:
1. I want you to be able to play the harp the way you want. Harp Mastery is all about finding the satisfaction, fulfillment, growth and achievement that you are looking for in your harp journey. Like me, you are drawn to the harp for a special, personal reason, and I believe you can find exactly what you are looking for when you have a focused and goal-oriented approach to learning the harp. So whether you are preparing to play in Carnegie Hall or your own living room, I want to help you find that focus and get where you want to go. Harp Mastery Day is a great way to start that process.
2. Have you ever felt stuck in your practice? Or like you were spinning your wheels? Just not making progress? When is the last time you had someone check your practice routine? The morning workshop, “Practice Strategies for results, growth and pleasure” will help you reshape your routine – what you practice and how you practice – and give you tips for resolving difficulties, setting practice goals, talking to your teacher, and achieving results. You will leave the workshop with new skills and strategies you can implement the next time you sit down at the harp.
3. Many musicians understand that ear training is important. But most of us don’t understand the complicated methods, and we don’t have the time to spend on repetitive drills. I studied ear training at Curtis and taught it there for 19 years. And I have developed ways you can improve your hearing and your musical comprehension in your everyday practice. What’s more, this is a skill you can USE – it’s practical! You can make your practice more efficient, your sightreading faster and your memorization more secure. I know this sounds a little like a sleazy infomercial, but it’s true. And I want you to know how to do it. The second workshop, “Ear Training and The Missing Link,” will show you how.
Have I convinced you? Join me and my friend, harpist Candace Lark for this fabulous day of workshops and camaraderie Saturday, June 22, 2013 from 11:30 am to 4 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church in Fairview Village, 1190 Valley Forge Rd, Norristown, PA. All the details and registration can be found at ARS Musica on the Events page. If you pre-register, you will receive a discount on the workshops. Special Bonus for blog readers only – if you register by this weekend (by Sunday, June 16), I will email you a free one-page PDF of my favorite technical warm-ups.
See you on the 22nd!
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