That moment of excitement, the crisp, unsullied page of music full of promise. It’s a brand new adventure – the starting of a new piece. When I was a young student, it was the moment I loved most. My teacher would put that new music book on the stand, and I could hardly wait until I was at home and could begin to learn it. I was always an eager, if not always a careful, student. I would launch head first into the new music to see what joys were waiting there, reckless of the wrong notes I played along the way. And that recklessness would cause me problems later. I would have many corrections to make and much curbing of my enthusiasm before I had the piece learned to my teacher’s satisfaction.
I have often envied my students who take a more sensible approach. Their careful systematic practice leads to much more predictable results. But there is a weakness in their strategy too. Sometimes it just takes too long to get to the finish line.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have the best of both worlds, speed and accuracy? You can and here’s how.
These shortcuts below are great guidelines for any time you start a new piece. And they will help you get where you’re going almost as fast as you want to get there.
Ps. Don’t miss this opportunity to join other harpists just like you in My Harp Mastery! Enrollment is closing today, Monday, March 23. Find out more and join today at
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