Skype is truly a marvel for our 21st century global community. It brings strangers closer together and keeps families connected. And it has become part of the way that today’s musicians study and learn.
But does that mean it is always the right tool for music study? When and how does it help and when does it just get in the way?
Like anyone else, I have my own ideas on the subject; your experience may vary. So I offer my thoughts below, not as hard and fast rules, but my own ideas shaped by my experience.
I will start with the one “golden rule” I apply to Skype or any other online learning tool: if the technology is frustrating then the learning is compromised. A slow internet connection or outdated equipment (which you might have bought last month!) can sabotage the learning experience beyond repair. Granting that Skype has a fairly low technical difficulty level, it can still be beyond the expertise of some students. Sometimes it just takes a lesson or two to “work out the kinks,” but if the technology continues to be troublesome, the lessons will feel like wasted time and effort.
On the whole, however, I love Skype and find it a tremendously powerful tool, especially in certain learning situations. These are some of my favorite ways to use Skype.
For all its benefits, I don’t believe Skype is a good substitute for ongoing private lessons if there is any instructor accessible. Video is simply not as effective a medium as in person instruction.
While I have enough experience to evaluate a student’s technique over video, students benefit greatly from being in the same room with their teacher. I often demonstrate finer points of technique or expression and ask my student to pay attention to my feet as I push the pedals or to feel my arm to feel the lack of tension. And with the touch of one finger, I can remind a student to drop and relax her shoulders or lift her elbow.
Also, my students and I both enjoy when we can play together in a lesson. It’s a fun way to practice ensemble skills, and it just doesn’t work as well through an internet connection.
And I am firm in my belief that Skype lessons are not a good option for young learners. Children need to develop rapport and relationship with a teacher, and the teacher can do much to inspire the love of music in a child. But only in person.
But if you must learn by Skype, consider these supplements to your musical education.
Music connects people. The internet connects people. It seems like a natural pairing. But in this new shrinking world where anyone is only a click away, I still believe that virtual learning is only the next best thing to being there.
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