The scariest thing I found about compiling this list was that in the space of about 10 minutes I thought of more than 20 reasons. While you read this, I’m going to go practice…
10. The weather is too awful (or too nice).
9. I can’t find my music/lesson book.
8. My instrument is out of tune.
7. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.
6. It’s too boring.
5. My fingers are sore.
4. I don’t have to because my lesson’s not until next week.
3. It’s not going to make any difference anyway.
2. I have to clean the house/walk the dog/do the dishes.
Drum roll please. And the number one reason you aren’t practicing is…
1. I don’t have time. Seriously? Seth Godin said recently when we say we don’t have time, what we are really saying is it’s not important enough. Ouch.
50% Complete
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