What is Kaleidoscope Practice?
Kaleidoscope Practice is my system for approaching your daily practice with the “finish” in mind. Whether your “finish” is a solo recital or just playing for your own pleasure, Kaleidoscope Practice helps you practice more effectively and efficiently and play more confidently and fluently.
So here are the top seven reasons you need Kaleidoscope Practice.
7. You’re tired of not really finishing the pieces you start.
6. You think there must be a better way to practice.
5. You get frustrated because it takes so long to learn a piece.
4. Your practice always seems like the same old thing – boring!
3. Practice is fine, but performance is another story…
2. You want to learn the music, not just the notes.
1. You want to know why some people can practice less, and play more.
Kaleidoscope Practice can help with all that and more. I should know. I’ve been teaching these techniques for over 20 years.
And now, I’ve written a book.
Kaleidoscope Practice: Focus, Finish and Play the Way You’ve Always Wanted is about to be released for Amazon Kindle. In this book, I describe the five focus areas of Kaleidoscope Practice, and show you how they can help every musician practice with better results and more enjoyment.
And there are two more special items, just for harpists.
Kaleidoscope Practice – The Harpist’s Playbook. This 48 page spiral-bound print book explains the five focus areas and gives you a four-week plan to take your pieces from First Sight to Finish.
Practice for the Finish! The Ultimate “How-To” Guide to Kaleidoscope Practice is a three-module, 12 lesson comprehensive video course. This is the course I wish I had as a student. Besides walking you through Kaleidoscope Practice step by step, it also shows you how to eliminate distraction, defeat procrastination, and set daily and weekly practice goals. There are more than 50 videos, so you can see exactly how it’s done.
And as part of the celebration, I am running my Kaleidoscope Challenge again. This is a great introduction to the focus areas and practice techniques, and you’ll enjoy the companionship of other challengers on the private Facebook group.
Sometime today, Monday, June 2 the page with all the details will go live on the Harpmastery website. Check back on the website or visit the Harpmastery Facebook page for the latest information and special offers. Or just send me a note and I will email you when the page is live.
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