Mr. Peabody knows everything.
Here is a collection of a few weird music tips and facts. I hope these enlighten and entertain you!
Disclaimer: take the science behind some of these tips with a grain of salt. After all, you’re reading this on the internet.
Are you a night owl or morning person? Practicing at night may be more effective. Apparently, brains learn better at night.
Wonder why you can’t tune at school? Fluorescent lights make a hum that is between B and B-flat, in the land of the quarter tones.
Too cool to clap. When ancient Romans like a performance, they didn’t clap their hands. They snapped their fingers instead.
Let me get that door for you. Harpists, this is the best doorstop to keep in your harp bag. It holds any kind of door.
Keep your nail clippers handy. Fingernails grow about .02 inches per week. It doesn’t seem like much, but the more you use your hands (i.e., practice) the faster your nails grow.
You’re smarter than you think. Musicians have higher IQs than non-musicians. I knew it.
Recycle. An old cell phone pouch makes a great pencil holder or tuning key holder. Hook it right on your harp or music stand.
You are what you eat. Best foods to eat before performing: proteins like meat, fish, eggs, nuts or beans. Best foods to avoid: carbs, especially sugar, and caffeine.
Tune carefully; it’s the law! A=440 was affirmed as the international standard for pitch in 1955 by International Organization for Standardization in Switzerland and reaffirmed in 1975.
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