What is Your #1 Harp Progress Blindspot?

If you can't see it, you can't fix it.
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Your Five Day Plan to Better Musical Awareness

Jul 26, 2021

“I just want to play more musically.”

It's a common refrain among students and performers of all ages. We all want to play more musically, but exactly what does that mean?

A musically expressive performance is a result of the performer’s choices informed by his or her understanding. You can probably guess at the kind of choices I mean, like choices of tempo and...

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Playing More Musically: 5 Days of Discovery

Apr 15, 2019

I just want to play more musically.”

It's a common refrain among students and performers of all ages. We all want to play more musically, but exactly what does that mean?

A musically expressive performance is a result of the performer’s choices informed by his or her understanding. You can probably guess at the kind of choices I mean, like choices of tempo and dynamics. The...

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