Is your practice strategy failing you?
In this third part of our Spring Cleaning Challenge blog series, I challenge you to look at how you might be sabotaging your practice. If you’ve missed parts one and two of the series, you can read them later. This one is critical!
Let’s face facts; practicing is hard work. It takes patience, self-discipline and energy. It takes...
“I just want to play more musically.”
It's a common refrain among students and performers of all ages. We all want to play more musically, but exactly what does that mean?
A musically expressive performance is a result of the performer’s choices informed by his or her understanding. You can probably guess at the kind of choices I mean, like choices of tempo and dynamics. The...
In this first part of our “Spring Cleaning Challenge,” I walk you through a five day plan for refreshing your technique. Parts 2 and 3 of the series follow in the coming weeks.
“There’s no excuse for running out of gas.”
That was one of the first warnings my parents gave me when I learned to drive. As long as the gas gauge was working, keeping gas in the tank was...
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