There’s a famous quote attributed to the composer Igor Stravinsky that every harpist knows: Harpists spend 90 percent of their lives tuning their harps and 10 percent playing out of tune. It has the painful ring of truth.
The harp is a treacherous instrument in this regard. The magic of the organic materials that comprise so much of the instrument is that they make the instrument very...
What is this supposed to be?
The jigsaw puzzle pieces were spread on the table and I had just completed the first critical phase in any jigsaw puzzle assembly, putting all the edge pieces together. My question arose from a discovery I had made along the way: the puzzle I was assembling was definitely not the one pictured on the box. The box had a beautiful view of Neuschwanstein, the famous...
“I just want to play more musically.”
It's a common refrain among students and performers of all ages. We all want to play more musically, but exactly what does that mean?
A musically expressive performance is a result of the performer’s choices informed by his or her understanding. You can probably guess at the kind of choices I mean, like choices of tempo and dynamics. The...
Is there a secret that every successful musician knows - and you don’t?
“She always seems so confident.” “She never lets things get to her.” “She doesn’t seem to feel the pressure.” “She looks like she’s having fun.”
Other the years I’ve watched performers who just didn’t seem to get flustered. They didn’t seem...
Joan Sparks, Louis deLise, Anne Sullivan
What is it about the flute and the harp? These two instruments in combination evoke elegance and grace, both visually and aurally. Perhaps a Jane Austen drawing room comes to mind, or the most recent wedding you attended. Whatever else flute and harp music may be, it certainly is everywhere.
Like many harpists, I can remember my first flute and harp...
In today’s world, fame is just one viral video away.
The internet stream of cute cats and adorable toddler antics is the modern megaphone for getting your new message out to the world.
The internet, and YouTube in particular, has transformed the music industry from one in which you had to know the right people to get any notice to one where all you need is your cell phone. As we become...
Mastery is one of those hot-button words. It sounds good, but it comes with some pretty heavy baggage.
As we commonly use the word, mastery is the ultimate measure of accomplishment and proficiency. By that definition, mastery represents a standard upheld by a very few people and aspired to by everyone else.
Making that kind of mastery your musical goal will likely engender more...
Practice doesn't work.
Now that I have your attention, let me clarify.
The normal everyday practice that we usually do doesn't build the skills we need to play our music well. If you have ever practiced a piece and then had it crash when you performed it, you know this is true.
Consider this list of just some of the many distinctions between what we do in practice and what we need to do in...
Is your technique keeping you from playing the music you love?
No matter what your playing level is or how many years you’ve been playing, your technique may be holding you back.
Your technique is the foundation for everything that you play. It is the essence of your tone, speed, fluency and musicality. If your technique isn’t ready to handle that piece of music on your music stand,...
There are many divides in the musical world, but perhaps none as charged as the question of whether to memorize or not.
There was music long before there was any way of writing it down. Learning was passed from one generation to the next. Of course, music was pretty simple back then. The earliest example of polyphony– music that combines more than one separate melody –...
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