Mastery is one of those hot-button words. It sounds good, but it comes with some pretty heavy baggage.
As we commonly use the word, mastery is the ultimate measure of accomplishment and proficiency. By that definition, mastery represents a standard upheld by a very few people and aspired to by everyone else.
Making that kind of mastery your musical goal will likely engender more...
Nearly everyone experiences some physical manifestation of performance nerves.
Whether it’s butterflies in the stomach, cold feet, sweaty palms, shaky hands or scattered thoughts, these symptoms can threaten to undo all our hours of hard work and preparation. Even worse, it’s often fear of the symptoms, not the anxiety about the performance itself, that causes the most damage.
Practice doesn't work.
Now that I have your attention, let me clarify.
The normal everyday practice that we usually do doesn't build the skills we need to play our music well. If you have ever practiced a piece and then had it crash when you performed it, you know this is true.
Consider this list of just some of the many distinctions between what we do in practice and what we need to do in...
Read that title carefully, please. I’m not getting political; I’m being practical.
Playing music that you love is a great base for your repertoire, but if you want to play anywhere other than your living room, you will eventually need to play music that other people want to hear. The practical purpose of this post is to help you choose music to add to your repertoire that will serve...
They make it look so easy, the great masters. From the long putt that wins the match, to the artists quick sketch that reveals more than a photograph could, to the lightning fast scales in a Mozart piano sonata, we mere mortals know the depth of mastery needed to perform at that level. We understand why our attempts at these tasks don't have the same easy grace.
What's more perplexing is why...
“A repertoire of 60 minutes begins with a single piece.” – Anne Sullivan
Okay, so I’m not Lao Tzu and my paraphrase of his famous saying about a journey of a thousand miles is not nearly as profound. But it is just as true.
The truth is that if you have just one piece that you can play, a piece that you enjoy playing and play fairly well, you can develop a repertoire of...
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. – Franklin Delano Roosevelt
As a performer, I never found much comfort in that thought. My fears or nerves before a performance weren’t lessened by knowing that they were my enemies. I already knew that. What I was looking for, hoping for, dreaming of, was a way to not be nervous.
The truth in Roosevelt’s statement,...
In last week’s post, I showed you why I think that creating a curriculum for your harp studies – as opposed to simply practicing – is an essential key to progress. If you didn’t read the post, you can read it here, but basically the idea is this: begin with a goal, then create a plan and a timeline. Add in benchmarks to measure your progress and you have the fundamental...
“Is this piece too difficult for me?”
When students ask me this question, I know it’s not because they’re lazy and don’t want to have to work hard.
On the contrary, I know they are ready and willing to put in the practice time needed to be able to play the piece. They just want to be assured that their time and effort will get them results. Why spend hours...
Do you suffer from the "what-ifs"?
My student was preparing for an important performance. We still had two or three lessons before the date, and I was confident she was prepared.
But at her next lesson she surprised me. Her playing was excellent, but she didn’t have the confidence in her playing that I did. She had a case of the “what-ifs.”
What if they don’t...
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